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A trusted Kiwi business

WM New Zealand partners with various organisations and engages in joint ventures to enhance sustainability, including innovative waste management solutions and a diverse supply chain. We prioritise ethical, local sourcing.

He Kiwi whai-painga he u manga pumau

We pride ourselves on our commitment to sustainability and leading the way in waste management. We invest in our infrastructure, fleet, and businesses in line with our values, ensuring reliable and innovative service delivery.

Our solutions and technologies aim to enhance customer experiences, supported by effective, efficient, and ethical value chains. Our partnerships and accreditations with various organisations underscore our dedication to industry leadership and best practices. 

Joint ventures like Waste Disposal Services and Transwaste Canterbury showcase our collaborative approach to local governance and environmental stewardship.  With a diverse supply chain of over 3200 suppliers, we prioritize ethical sourcing and sustainability in all our operations. Engaging with stakeholders—from customers and community groups to government bodies and mana whenua—is crucial in shaping our sustainable practices and community impact. Through proactive initiatives, clean-up events, and educational conferences, we demonstrate our commitment to building a cleaner, greener New Zealand.


Key Objectives

  • Invest in infrastructure, fleet, and businesses that progress our purpose and values
  • Our service is the most reliable in the industry
  • Deliver solutions and technologies that improve our customer experience
  • Our value chains are effective, efficient, and ethical

Material Issues

  • Brand promotion & awareness
  • Customer experience
  • Governance
  • ESG transparency & reporting
  • Industry engagement and collaboration
  • Legal compliance
  • Sector leadership & policy engagement
  • Sustainable business performance





Progress in 2023

5.1 Invest in infrastructure, fleet, and businesses that progress our purpose and values

Invest in infrastructure to improve recovery and reduce environmental footprint

Progress upgrades of our infrastructure to
improve recovery, and effectiveness and reduce
environmental footprint


  • New leachate evaporator (BeneVap) at Kate Valley installed and operational. Design and procurement of new generator for Redvale.

Invest in fleet to improve recovery and reduce environmental footprint

Progress upgrade of our fleet to improve recovery, effectiveness and reduce environmental footprint


  • 98 new fleet and trailers introduced with lower environmental impacts. Delivered fleet improvements that reduce required vehicle numbers. For example, the dual containment food scraps and three glass recycling low-entry vehicles (LEVs) rolled out for the Eastern Waikato municipal contracts.

Investigate and execute opportunities to accelerate business progress via partnerships and acquisitions

Identify and progress opportunities


  • Developed sales, collections and interim processing options for PVC/ HDPE piping with Marley NZ and associated retailers. In partnership with Aliaxis Group have purchased Comspec based in Christchurch to further our capability in plastic
  • Planning has commenced for the use of renewable landfill gas between Transwaste and energy service providers, including an investigation into the use of hydrogen.
  • Entered into a process to collect and process.
    untreated wood in central Otago to be used as biofuel.

5.2 Our service is the most reliable in the industry

Provide excellent delivery of services to customers

Collections DIFOT - 98%


  • WM DIFOT above 98.1% at Q4.

Net Promoter Score = 11


  • NPS score at end of 2023 is 28.

5.3 Deliver solutions and technologies that improve our customer experience

Review our brand to align with our purpose

Brand review completed and enhancement programme designed


  • Rebrand ready to be rolled out in Feb/ March 2024.

Provide solutions that improve our customer experience

Successfully implement new customer solutions for Auckland food waste and
Eastern Waikato


  • Successfully implemented.