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A great place to work

WM New Zealand’s 1,759 employees and 140 contractors are key to our success. Our commitment to Safety, Service, Sustainability, Innovation, and Together makes us a great place to work.

He wāhi tino pai ki te mahi

At WM New Zealand, our team members and contractors are the heart of our service to local communities. Safety is paramount, guided by our robust HSEQ framework with ISO certifications and ongoing improvements.

Our training is thorough, covering essential safety and task-specific modules to ensure everyone is well-prepared. We prioritise health with free medical check-ups, counselling, and wellness workshops to support our team's well-being.


Celebrating milestones like 10 years without lost time injuries showcases our dedication to safety excellence. Educational support initiatives, such as our Higher Education Assistance Programme and Driver/Operator Academy, highlight our commitment to personal growth and career advancement.

Our efforts towards gender pay equity and inclusivity reflect our commitment to fostering a supportive and respectful workplace culture where every team member feels valued.


Key Objectives

  • We keep our team safe and well
  • Our employees are proud to work for WMNZ
  • Celebrate our team’s culture and diversity
  • We are kaitiaki, guardians of rewarding career paths
  • which attract and retain our people

Material Issues

  • Culture & values
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Employee attraction, development, retention & the future of work
  • Health, safety & wellbeing





Progress in 2023

4.1 We keep our team safe and well

Reduce the number of incidents across each of WM New Zealand’s 13 critical safety risks

No injuries resulting in lifestyle changes


  • No injuries resulting in lifestyle changes

Deliver health check-up programme to the WM New Zealand team

40% engagement in Waste Management’s annual health and well-being check-up

Partly Achieved

  • 560 people had an annual WM medical in 2023, which is up from 455 people in 2022, a 23% increase or total of 31%

4.2 Our employees are proud to work for WM New Zealand

Employee engagement trends to 80%

Employee engagement is 70%


  • Engagement Survey complete. Participation was 78% across the business, with a 70% engagement score

Our business and leaders are targeted and incentivised on a balanced scorecard of ESG and financial outcomes

Publish a new performance framework which balances performance, values and ESG outcomes


  • Completed and implemented in new PEP framework which balances performance, values and ESG outcomes

Our company policies align with the UN global compact principles

Publish a Human Rights policy to improve alignment with the UN Global Compact


  • Human Rights policy published

4.3 Celebrate our team’s culture and diversity

Execute the diversity and inclusion programme of work

Diversity and inclusion programme delivered
on e.g. including diversity representation targets and pay gaps, etc


  • Continue to work across the diversity programme strategy and
    our four pillars. Gender pay gap has been assessed and will be assessed twice a year, pre-annual salary review (ASR) and post-ASR.
  • A pay equity committee has been established and will be led by payroll manager.

4.4 We are kaitiaki, guardians of rewarding career paths which attract key talent

Attract new team members through structured talent programmes

Introduce 4 Māori scholarships


  • Established the scholarship agreement with Auckland University and the programme will run in 2024.

Prepare a graduate programme for 2024


  • 13 graduates are set to join the business in February 2024.

Deliver sustainability training to our staff to reinforce our company purpose

Introduce sustainability training as part of our induction process


  • 156 people trained and new content for 2024 drafted by Sustainable Business Network.