Ko tā mātau i tūmanako ka tautuhia ko ā mātau tāngata tētahi o ngā kaupapa i roto i tā mātau aromatawai ukauka, e whakaata ana i te hiranga o ā mātau tāngata kia puta ai a Waste Management hei kamupene toitū ā tōna wā.
We expected our people to be identified as one of the programmes through our materiality assessment, reflecting the importance of our people in making Waste Management a sustainable company into the future.
Key Actions
Reduce the number of incidents across each of our 13 critical safety risks.
Quarter 2 Update
External audits have recently started
Key Actions
Develop programmes to increase cultural literacy and diversity across our teams.
Quarter 2 Update
Diversity and Inclusion Committee meeting monthly, activities include Pink Shirt Day held across the country, Māori cultural training for our executives and a Matariki workshop on the meaning of Matariki presented by Mihaere Emery.
Key Actions
Quarter 2 Update