Kei roto mātau i te nuinga o ngā hapori puta noa i Aotearoa e mahi ana, he tuku ratonga me te whakahere whakaurunga ratonga para, ā-taiao hoki. Mahi ai ō mātau rōpū i roto i aua hapori, e tautoko ana i te ōhanga me te tuku i ngā ratonga waiwai.
We operate in nearly every community across New Zealand, providing services and managing waste and environmental services facilities. Our teams work within those communities, supporting the economy and providing essential services.
Goal 1: Improve Stakeholder Understanding
Key Actions
Develop and implement an improved proactive engagement approach with our stakeholders on key issues.
Quarter 4 Update
Formal submissions made on the Waste Strategy, tyres and large battery product stewardship and the Emissions Reduction Plan
Goal 2: Improve Community Understanding Of Waste Issues
Key Actions
Increase tours at our landfills to help the community understand where their waste goes.
Support education programmes around waste minimisation with New Zealand kids.
Use social media to engage with wider New Zealand community beyond our customers.
Quarter 4 Update
Target achieved: 20,560 social media followers.
Auckland Climate Festival completed with four workshops held with over 120 external attendees.
Ultimately short on the 100,000 click view target but a good step towards engaging and educating the community on where waste goes.
Goal 3: Expand Engagement With Local Communities
Key Actions
Use volunteering to increase our contribution to the communities in which we operate.
Quarter 4 Update
A new Timu Tikanga Cultural Advisor recruited, Te Teira Rawiri.
COVID-19 continues to impact on gathering limiting volunteering activities.