Kei roto mātau i te nuinga o ngā hapori puta noa i Aotearoa e mahi ana, he tuku ratonga me te whakahere whakaurunga ratonga para, ā-taiao hoki. Mahi ai ō mātau rōpū i roto i aua hapori, e tautoko ana i te ōhanga me te tuku i ngā ratonga waiwai.
We operate in nearly every community across New Zealand, providing services and managing waste and environmental services facilities. Our teams work within those communities, supporting the economy and providing essential services.
Key Actions
Develop and implement an improved proactive engagement approach with our stakeholders on key issues.
Quarter 2 Update
Hosted Climate Change Minister James Shaw at Redvale Landfill and Energy Park in Auckland and at our EV workshop in East Tamaki.
Key Actions
Quarter 2 Update
Key Actions
Use volunteering to increase our contribution to the communities in which we operate.
Quarter 2 Update