E whakapono ana mātau e whakaata ana tēnei mahinga hira i te āhuatanga waiwai, pūmau hoki o ngā ratonga e tukuna ana e mātau me te hiranga o ēnei ki ā mātau kiritaki me te hapori. Mā te toitū o ngā mahi o tā mātau pakihi, ka tino whānui ngā hua ka puta, ā-taiao, ā-pāpori, ā-pūtea hoki mō Aotearoa haere ake nei.
This key performance area reflects the essential and enduring nature of the services we provide and the importance of these to our customers and the community. Operating our business sustainably will have a wide-reaching positive impact, environmentally, socially and financially for NZ into the future.
Key Actions
Develop partnerships with New Zealand manufacturers who are customers to support and drive the circular economy.
Quarter 4 Update
Initiatives are under development:
Key Actions
Identify, assess and mitigate Waste Management's climate change risks.
Quarter 4 Update
Climate Change Register framework created with risk assessment underway with external consultants.
Key Actions
Implement the 2020 Waste Management Plan.
Quarter 4 Update
2021 Waste management plan targets broadly achieved with a baseline data gathering plan in place for most sites.