Our Environment
Addressing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
In our last update, we detailed how Waste Management is the first waste company in New Zealand to achieve independent certification for managing and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions through the CEMARS® (Certified Emissions Measurement and Reduction Scheme) certification.
This quarter Waste Management has run workshops to identify actions for our first greenhouse gas reduction plan and commenced monthly operational carbon footprint reporting for three of our four divisions (Lower North Island, South Island and Technical Services), with reporting for the final division to commence shortly.
Our People
Increasing diversity
A range of initiatives have been running this year to benefit our Waste Management team. We hold monthly health and safety “Toolbox” talks across the country focusing on topics such as injury prevention (attended by physiotherapists), nutrition and mental health.
Waste Management has also encouraged health and wellbeing through supporting staff to attend the Auckland Round the Bays, Mt Maunganui challenge, Whangarei fun run and the Wellington fun run.
Our Communities
Regenerating our communities
To better engage the wider community, Waste Management has expanded our social media presence into Facebook. It enables us to share our sustainability news, as well as give service alerts and respond directly to customers through another communication channel.
Our Business
Identifying solutions for problem waste streams
We are pleased to announce we have now started to supply Golden Bay Cement with tyre derived fuel from Waste Management’s tyre recycling facility in Auckland. This is expected to reduce Golden Bay Cement’s greenhouse gas emissions by 15,000 tonnes of CO2 per year by providing a fuel substitute for coal.
Our Customers
Improving customer experience
Our state-of-the-art landfill and energy parks capture high levels of the methane gas produced (more than 95%), and have been audited by Enviro-Mark. Enviro-Mark has now pre-loaded the CEMARS® system with Waste Management’s emission factors - which are 51% lower than the Ministry for the Environment’s emission factors. For our customers who are also CEMARS® members, with sites located in Auckland and Christchurch, this can mean a 51% reduction in their waste to landfill emissions. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us on sustainability@wastemanagement.co.nz.