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Price Changes

Waste and recycling costs are increasing from 1 July 2024. We’re here to explain the increases and help you find ways to minimise the impact on your business.

Why are prices increasing?

It is necessary to increase our prices from 1 July in response to a number of factors. Ongoing inflation means everyone’s labour and operational costs are going up, including WM New Zealand’s disposal and processing partners, materials recovery facilities and transfer stations.  The Government is increasing the Waste Levy on 1 July, which means it is becoming more expensive to dispose of waste at landfill.

The Waste Disposal Levy

The Government is increasing the landfill levy, making it more expensive to send waste. This money goes directly to the Government for distribution in waste minimisation projects.

Learn more

Ongoing Inflation

It means everyone’s labour and operational costs are going up, including WM New Zealand’s disposal and processing partners, landfills, materials recovery facilities, and transfer stations.

Emissions Trading Scheme

To significantly reduce landfill greenhouse gas, we invest in technology to capture over 90%, converting it to electricity or destroying it, and buy credits for any uncaptured gas.

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Reduce your costs

Review your services

Review your services

We can review your services to make these more efficient.

Increase recycling

Increase recycling

We can identify recycling solutions to reduce the total costs of your waste.



We can provide procurement and recovery advice that will reduce your waste to landfill.

Investing in our Circular Economy

We are creating more circular solutions for your reusable materials through our new Circular Services division.

  • To help you recycle large plastic items, we have recently invested in our Te Taniwha o te Kai Kirihou or plastic eating monster. It eats things like wheelie bins and pallets, turning them into chips for recycling – a first for New Zealand.
  • If you have building and construction waste, talk to us about our material recovery facilities which we're extending to make it easier to recover your B&C materials. Working with Aliaxis (Marley), we can also collect your old uPVC and PE piping systems to be remanufactured into new piping – a truly circular solution.
  • If your waste can't be recovered or recycled and has to go to landfill, rest assured that our continued innovation and investment into landfill and energy parks means New Zealand has some of the best technology in the world. We stop greenhouse gas entering the atmosphere and collect over 95% of landfill gas for conversion to renewable energy.

To find out more about our circular investments for your future click HERE.

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We're here to help

Get in touch with our team of waste and recycling specialists for more information.

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