Refund Mobile
Refund Hero


There are a group of customers who have previously paid an incorrect invoice and are consequently entitled to a refund from WM New Zealand. We want to let you know we made a mistake and we’re sorry.

If you require more information about the mistake that WM New Zealand made, the role of the NZ Commerce Commission in addressing that mistake, or the refund owed to customers you can find out more here.

How we’re putting this right

Doing the right thing by our customers is a priority for us. That’s why we want to ensure that you receive a refund for your incorrect overpaid invoice, as quickly as possible.  We’ve identified all the customers to whom we owe a refund, and if impacted, you should receive a communication confirming the refund you’re owed.


What happens next and what do you need to do?

1. We will be depositing your refund into the same payment method you last used to make payment to WM New Zealand from your Credit Card or Bank Account.

2. If we don’t have your payment method details or you would like to change the bank account details, then email using the subject line Refund Owed and your account number on the email we sent you beginning with WMXXXXXX.

Please include the  bank account name and your bank account number in the correct order.  Example: Bank code-Branch code-Account Number-Account Suffix

3. We will endeavour to refund the amount due to your chosen account within 7 working days.  

Frequently asked questions

  • Why have I received an email or letter offering me a refund?

    In a recent review of our cancellation process, we identified the cancellation date was not aligned with our customer requested cancellation date. This resulted in an overcharge to your account. During this review we have identified that we owe you a refund.

  • Someone I know received a call, email or letter about a refund – can I check if I'm getting one too?

    Yes. If you email us at We will review your account and get back to you.

  • Who receives the refund?

    The WMNZ account holder will receive the refund. The refund can be made to any New Zealand bank account in the account holder’s name.

  • How is the refund calculated?

    We’ll be refunding the total amount of any overcharge made based on the cancellation date requested by you and noted in our system.

  • I'm a current WMNZ customer. Why can't you just credit this against the cost of my next renewal premium?

    Yes, we can leave this amount on your current account with WMNZ. Just advise us by replying to the email you received that this is your preference.

  • When did this occur?

    Due to a new system, this error occurred at different times between 2017 and 30 September 2021.

  • Are you certain none of my other invoices were affected?

    Yes. We’ve gone back and checked all cancellations through to July 2023 and are confident that we have identified all the cancellations that were impacted.

  • How can I get in touch with WMNZ?

    Our team is here to help. Simply email and we will answer your questions.